Bountiful Harvests​

More for less​

We help farmers produce more food while spending less on inputs like fertilizer, pesticides and nutrients.​
​Our quality agro-inputs and training upscale productivity and competitiveness.

  • More Food
  • Spending Less on Inputs

Fertilizer, Pesticides and Nutrients.​

on average harvests in:

America, Europe and China

3 Tons

5X More than Africa

per acre


½ Ton

27BC – Roman Times

per acre

Bisi Olaleye
Administrative Assistant, Operations

We’re here to level the field through


Inputs and Advisory

Manufacturers of quality agro-inputs scale production to specification through our large network of farmers​

Farmers & Farming Associations improve yields for a lower price through strategic relationships with quality agro-input manufacturers

Research & Financial Development Institutions scale and commercialize best crop science for use across Africa​

Boost your output!​

Seeds For Success​

We work with world leading research and science foundations to:

  • Produce seeds that optimize farmers’ yields​
  • Quality assess the manufacturing process
  • Verify effectiveness​
  • Scale output of certified seeds​

All our products are authorized by relevant domestic authorities
(e.g. National Seed Council in Nigeria).

Soil and Plant Nutrients​

We promote innovation in plant nutrition products helping farmers boost yield and quality

  • Water soluble fertilizers​
  • Crystalline fertilizers
  • Specialty fertilizers​
  • Bio-stimulants
  • Bio-stimulants
  • Pesticides

Education & Best Practice​

Quality inputs alone won’t boost productivity.​

Farmer education and practice in crop management is critical.​

  • Many farmers apply a standard formula for plant nutrients​
  • Farmers should only apply nutrients if they believe these nutrients aren’t already in the soil​
  • Fadhila helps farmers assess what nutrients are already in the soil and plant requirements​
  • Many farmers apply generic pesticides
  • Farmers should only apply pesticides against a disease that is a current threat in their region
  • Farmers should only apply pesticides against a disease that is a current threat in their region
  • Farmers should only apply pesticides against a disease that is a current threat in their region
  • Farmers should avoid over-use of fertiliser as this causes acidity and soil deterioration​
  • Fadhila helps farmers gauge the right mix and quantities of fertilizers and micronutrients to apply​

At Fadhila, we provide advice both remotely and on farms.

  • We help rice and maize farmers achieve a second harvest each year – without need for irrigation​
  • We diagnose crop diseases, advise on weather patterns, and teach effective and responsible use of inputs​
  • We leverage digital solutions and agro-tech to build, scale and improve yields and livelihoods of farmers​
  • Fadhila trains farmers on best planting and inputs application techniques such as spacing

Our Brands

Fruits & Vegetables

Major Crop:

Tomatoes, Pepper, Cabbage, Onion, Pineapple, Banana

Area of Cultivation:

Mostly in the Northern part and sparsely in the South

Harvested Area:

Cultivated on about 3 -4 million hectares of land for the major crops

Cereals & Grains

Major Crop:

Maize, Rice, Sorghum, Wheat

Area of Cultivation:

Mostly in the Northern part and sparsely in the South

Harvested Area:

Cultivated on about 15 million hectares of land for the major crops

Legume & Oil Seed

Major Crop:

Groundnuts, Soybean, Cowpeas, Sesame

Area of Cultivation:

Mostly in the Northern part and sparsely in the South

Harvested Area:

Cultivated on about 9.7 million hectares of land for the major crops

Food Security​

Food Security​

The Scale of the Challenge is Colossal.

Moderate or severe food insecurity impacts 60% of people in sub-Saharan Africa due mainly to economic shocks and climate change.​

Most African countries can be food sufficient using existing farms by applying quality inputs and best practices.​

Fadhila and our partners have cultivated almost 30 million hectares of land for optimal production of maize, rice, sorghum, wheat, groundnuts, soybean, cowpeas and sesame, as well as fruit and vegetables including tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, onions, pineapples and bananas.​



Earn a decent living currently equivalent to US$600-800 profit per hectare each season

4.2 Million

Metric tons of new food

Focusing on 5 crops incl. rice, maize, soybeans

1 Million +

New Jobs


Women & Youth

Prioritizing women and youth in 70% of all activity

20 GigaWatts

Solar Power

Generating 20 gigawatts of solar power

$2 Billion

Added to GDP

Adding US$2 billion to GDP (plus multiplier effects)

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